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Fight Pandemic
Let us come together and produce the required Equipments.
The global pandemic outbreak is an international health crisis, and all professionals should do their part in fighting it out. Reliable Ventilators to treat the affected patients are in short supply; world over. My unit in India is keen to work jointly with the existing producers of “Ventilators” to enhance its production and supply in India and outside India. While serving a good cause, the price of the product has to be very reasonable so that consumer buys in quantity to serves many of the needy.
Who are we!
Since 1990, my company “Laxtronics Instruments & Controls Pvt. Ltd.” is engaged in Design/Manufacturing of Special Purpose “Product Function Test Equipment,” applying core Electronics engineering. We have served variety of Industries in providing equipment to meet customers’ specific requirements.
Our comprehensive experience, repertoire of designed electronic circuits, and professional ability to design new circuits will certainly benefit the collaborator; to enhance the existing product performance, by creating different version of the existing product, while reducing the production cost.
Should your organization be interested in collaborating, modus operandi in detail needs to be worked out. Considering circumstances of the pandemic, we need to act expeditiously!
Incidentally, (not out of place,) we can assist Medical Research Labs experimenting in finding solution to corona virus. We can provide Lab test support equipment like “Precision Pico Amp Current Source”, “Pico/ Nano Ampere current Meters”, “Sensitive Electronic Galvanometers”, "Precision High Voltage DC Source." These equipment are Battery Operated, compact and immune to errors due to line frequency and voltage transients.
We can contribute in providing electronics design assistance /support to built composite “Test set-up” that can help in development/diagnostics of drugs and vaccine.
Jointly, we the professionals of different discipline should collaborate to overpower the epidemic.
Laxman Khalkar (Director)
Laxtronics Instruments and Controls Pvt. Ltd.
Address: K-16, MIDC, Ambad, Nashik-422010, Maharashtra, INDIA